The pine needles, bark, and sprouts are all used medicinally.
Used historically for respiratory problems, coughs, colds, fevers, and infections. Usually internally but also topically. Potent for both inflammation and pain. Antimicrobial and used to kill both bacteria and fungus.
Most scientific research studies antioxidant capabilities and oxidative stress protection.
The pine tree itself is also a prevalent source of wood and lumber.
The pine flavor varies depending on the time of the year.
Pine needles can be used for a range of homemade handmade products including Soaps, Salves, disinfectants, Vinegar, and of course teas and foods.
Dosage and Preparation
Bring 700ml filtered water in a stainless steel pan to a boil.
2 tablespoons of the root and let steep for 10 minutes. Needles can be left in the pan and reused 2-3 times over 2 days, with strength increasing as the needles break down.
- Dwarf-Pine
- Huile d’Aiguilles de Pin
- Pin de Monterey
- Huiles de Pin
- Huile Essentielle de Pin
- Pin Sylvestre
- Pin
- Essence d’Aiguilles de Pin
- Pin Écossais
- Pin de Montagne
- Pin de Russie
- Monterey Pine
- Pine Oils
- Pinus radiate
- Pin Sauvage
- Pine Essential Oil
- Pini Turiones
- Pine Needle Oil
- Pini Atheroleum
- Pino
- Pix Liquida
- Scotch Fir
- Swiss Mountain Pine.
- Pinus sylvestris
- Scotch Pine
- Pumilio Pine
Scientifically Studied Medicinal Effects
- Antioxidant PMID: 21994521 PMID: 21994521 PMID: 16668668 PMID: 20645796 PMID: 23822143 PMID: 25834246 PMID: 32416833 PMID: 14595588 PMID: 19500637 PMID: 17474862 PMID: 25566467 PMID: 33445574
- Antimicrobial PMID: 22757704
- Protective Effects PMID: 17804140
- Anti-Cancer PMID: 32523794 PMID: 19500637 PMID: 17474862
- Anti-Inflammatory PMID: 33924612 PMID: 31659812
- Anti-Aging PMID: 33924612
- Cardiovascular PMID: 28827527
- Performance Enhancer PMID: 25566467
- Antidepressant PMID: 21969797
- Osteoporosis PMID: 30591892
- Memory PMID: 21969797
There are over 100 types of pine trees so looks vary.
Pine clusters vary from 1 to 6 but are usually in 2 to 5. Long thin and flexy needles, almost plasticky-like.
Pine needles are traditionally harvested in the springtime when they are most subtle and flavorsome however can be harvested year-round. Each season provides varying types of taste and medicinal benefits.
The bark is stronger than the needles and the bark resin stronger still and used as a potent remedy although somewhat toxic.
Indigenous Historical Uses
- Urinary Tract (Diuretic)
- Stimulant
- Sinus
- Memory/Mental Clarity
- Healing Wounds
- Muscular Pain
- Respiratory
- Nerve Pain
- Cold
- Blood Pressure And Circulation
- Coughs
- Fevers
- BronchitisCongestion/Expectorant (Removes And Reduces Mucous)
- Depression
- Obesity
- Allergies
- High Blood Pressure
- Slow Aging Process
- Draws Out Toxins
- Inflammation (Joints And Muscles)
Medicinal Component
- High Vitamin C
- High Vitamin A
- Antioxidants
- Acids
- Essential Oils
- Procyanidins
- Flavonoid Glycosides
- Pinene
- Phellandrene
- Pinene
- Germacrene D
- D-Limonene
- Caryophyllene
- 3-Carene
- Monoterpenoids
- Monoterpenes
- Flavonoids
Used globally, with particular research in Indian (Ayurvedic), Chinese and American cultures.
Side Effects/Precautions
Pine pollen can be allergic to some people.
The pine tree is an ancient specimen perceived to be 150 million years old. Through evolution, it has adapted to be fire resistant and to thrive even in low nutrient soil, both cold and hot.