Rapeh Hapey Applicator Medium V1 – Shamans Smoke Shop – Made By Hand With Ancestral Techniques – All Natural


Embrace one of natures sacred plants. A ceromonial pipe for Rapeh.

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Hapeh Rapeh

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Pronounced as ha-PAY – Hapey Rapeh

* Although one of the most valuable and rewarding of experiences, Rapeh is particularly intense. Irritation of the nasal passages is common. Use with caution. Fully familiarize yourself with potential side effects and what to expect.

* It is vitally important to only do Rapeh with someone you know and trust. Seriously if not pass for another occasion. Rapeh is not a drug per se but can leave an impounding impression so to ensure that impression is a positive one keep good company.

Pronounced as ha-PAY. Rapeh is a powerful mixture of powered herbs, barks, and sacred leave. It is administered nasally in an intense experience not for the faint-hearted that detoxes and leaves the mind feeling clear and refreshed. It is not to be confused with Snuff, which is more well known in Europe and North America and is solely tobacco of the Nicotiana Tabacum variant.

Particularly potent Rapeh is traditionally used not just as a medicine but also as a call for prayer and connection. It is also a particularly potent detoxifier of both the body and mind leaving the user with thoughts of immense clarity. Its purging effect causes the removal of toxins and bacteria not just from the nasal passage but also

An ancient and spiritual herbal concoction that has? an esteemed history throughout Latin America and the Inca civilization. Closely related to ayahuasca in the mode of effectiveness and is often recommended in advance of an ayahuasca ceremony in preparation. Today it is most commonly used in the Amazonian regions of Brazil and Peru and remains an important ritual tool, one particularly popular with the tribes of the Katukina, Yawanawa, and Huni Kuin. One of the most important tools for the remaining tribes.

Rapeh has a history of use going back at least 5000 years. The western discovery was by Colombus around 1492. Part of Amazonian tribal art and culture both in effect and usage through equipment, Sacred Rapeh is a deeply realistic substance and remains one of the most powerful shamanic extracts still in use today,

Rapeh What To Expect & Common Side Effects
Although side effects from Rapeh can appear intense it is important to remember the beauty of Rapeh and its incredible benefits are in part, due to a general purge which is the desired effect. With the purge, various benefits occur from cleansing to mind clearing. The stronger the purge the more potent the benefit, though is vital to respect the Rapeh and take with caution. Used in the right way can put on a positive path of new perspectives.

  • Nasal irritation
  • Nasal leakage of mucous
  • Watering eyes
  • Potential Nausea and sickness
  • Potential Diarrhea
  • Dry mouth

Rapeh Dosage & How To Take

  • The dosage of Rapeh varies widely depending on the mixture and version. When trying new Rapeh always test first with a small quantity no more than half the size of a pea.
  • Rapeh should be taken with someone of good standing and who you trust due to its powerful properties.
  • Due to the spiritual nature of the plant is important to use it in a good setting, ideally in or close to nature.
  • A small amount of Rapeh powder should be administered either solo with a partner.
  • The administration is usually by a pipe made of either Bamboo, Wood, or Bone. Though straws or even rolled-up paper can be used too.
  • Soplada – The pipe administered by a second person is usually referred to as a Tepi, as is named in Brazil.
  • Self-administered – The single-person pipe is called a Kuripe

Rapeh Effects

  • Focus, clear and sharpen mind and thoughts
  • Feelings of renewed energies
  • Body and mind detoxifier affects a person’s aura.
  • Clears sinuses and removes mucous, viruses, and toxins. Improves immune system.
  • Provides a sense of calm, grounding, and clarity
  • Improved focus

Popular Types of Rapeh

  • Yawanawa Rapeh
  • Tsunu Rapeh
  • Katukina Rapeh
  • Nukini Rapeh

Rapeh Common Ingredients

  • Varying Plants
  • Cinnamon Ashes
  • Tonka Bean Ashes
  • Clover Ashes
  • Banana Peel Ashes
  • Mint Ashes

Rapeh Other Names:

  • Mapacho
  • Amazonian Powder
  • Rapeh Snuff
  • Rapeh Rapeh
  • Rume (yawanawa Rapeh)
Weight18.8 g
Dimensions16.8 × 2 × 4.6 cm









Good Health









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